Strategic and customized CRM and Customer Engagement Solutions

It is our team’s job to accomplish and make sure customer engagement occurs tirelessly to run strategic, optimized engagement campaigns designed to convert and retain members. Every message is made to suit your site’s functions, helping you provide only the best experience for expanding your dating brand.

CRM and Customer Engagement

Innovative Customer engagement program

With regular engagement content being sent each day, both via email and on-site, you can be confident the traffic you're driving to the eDateRevenue platform has the highest possible chance of maximum engagement spikes from our effective campaigns.

Member retention

Our strategic engagement schedule is built with optimum member retention in mind. As members naturally drop out of your billing cycle, we're ready to get them right back with enticing discounted offers. These offers have been proven to boost conversions by up to 39%, upgrading your organic traffic with more members online with your dating brand.

Custom-tailored email communications

We prepare custom-tailored email campaigns designed to complement external marketing efforts, boost upgrades, and create the high volume you deserve. If you're running a campaign and want to engage with your current member pool, we can create a custom communication and engagement strategy for every email campaign.

Migration notices

We make merging your expansive portfolio of dating sites seamless to expand your brand globally. No one offers end-to-end, customized migration solutions like eDateRevenue. Combining members from one site to another is something we do very easily and notify them to ensure their experience is never interrupted.

Cross-registration campaigns

A proven strategy to push non-converting members from one of your sites to the next one is Cross-registration. This helps drive non-niched dating traffic to a more specialized offer that better suits their interests and avatars. We promote your cross-registration campaigns via email with the dedicated support of our engagement team.

See what eDateRevenue can do for you.

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