Claim your share of the online dating market today.

Start generating cash now your own branded website using our revolutionary turnkey dating platform.

Here's how it works

Simply introduce us to your partners and colleagues, and when they launch their new sophisticated, white-label dating platform with us, we'll pay you 5% on all their revenue for up to 2 years from the date of their contract.

With eDateRevenue, new partners can earn 100% net revenue and up to 80% net revenue for life!

Grow your business with our industry-leading referral program.

Making money has never been easier...

Recommend a partner

Introduce your prospective partner to your dedicated eDateRevenue representative.

Simply send an email or call us, and our specialists will handle the rest from there.

Get up and running. Fast.

We collaborate with the prospective partner to get them set up and running seamlessly and generate revenues quickly.

Our dedicated account managers provide custom-tailored end-to-end support. We’re committed to generating them and you as much revenue as possible, and we’re with you every step of the way.

Unrivaled support.

We believe in building better relationships with our partners, which is why we check in with every Prospect to ensure they have the comprehensive support they need to succeed.

We want to make the journey from introduction to revenue generation as smooth as possible - and you can help.

Generate revenue with ease.

Generate ongoing, recurring, incremental, and profitable revenues with ease. We pay you 5% of the net partner's revenue within 30 days of the month's end.

If a partner generates $100,000 of revenue in June, you will be paid $5,000 by the end of July. If either the partner or we terminate the partnership within the first 24 months after the contract, your referral agreement will also end.

See what eDateRevenue can do for you.

Sign up today for free and discover how easy it is to start making money online.
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